This term in Early Years we have been learning about different habitats and comparing animals that live in different places. We have learnt about the animals that live in cold climates like the Antarctic and Arctic as well as animals that live in the jungle and using different art techniques to explore how these environments make us feel and which we would like to visit.

We have been investigating how animals can use camouflage to keep safe, as well as finding out which animals come out at night like nocturnal leopards. We remembered which British animals are also nocturnal such as bats, hedgehogs and badgers.

Our Talk for Write story is “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” and the children have enjoyed using their phonics to write their own captions about well-known parts of the story. They have loved changing the story to make their own version, drawing story maps and performing their story on the stage.

We have also enjoy ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ as we get to work outside with Mrs Banham and in the hall doing PE skills with Mrs Angell.