At Westfield, pupils are required to wear:

  • Royal blue school jumper or cardigan – preferably with the school logo                           
  • White or royal blue polo shirt with a collar (logo optional)                                
  • Plain black or grey trousers, a plain black or grey knee-length skirt, or a plain black or grey knee-length pinafore dress (no leggings, jeggings, jeans or denim).    
  • Low heeled, plain black shoes or all black trainers (Canvas shoes, plimsolls, Ugg style boots and wellies must not be worn as part of school uniform). 

A full copy of our updated uniform policy can be found by clicking the link below.  If you would prefer a printed copy, please speak to the office and they will happily provide you with one.

PE Uniform

To maximise learning time, children come to school wearing their PE kit on the days they have PE sessions.

Children must wear:

  • Plain white PE t-shirt (unbranded) 
  • Plain black or navy tracksuit bottoms or shorts 
  • Warm long-sleeved, plain black or navy sweatshirt or hoodie 
  • Black or white trainers (these can be the same black trainers many children choose to wear as part of their usual school uniform)

Please ensure all clothing is clearly labelled. When clothing is named, it will always find its way back to you. Personalised stick in labels can be purchased from the link below. As a bonus, if use the School ID 18330 when ordering, this will generate some funds for school too.

Our school jumpers and cardigans can be purchased locally from Get Branded at Clifton Moor, York. Please click on the link below.

Uniform can also be purchased from

Alternatively, we can order these for delivery into school. Please speak to the office for further information.

PDF Attachments