iCompute is a whole school primary computing scheme of work, fully matched to the National Curriculum for Computing at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. It marks a shift in thinking about how children learn, both, about and using technology – it is designed to equip children in England with the knowledge, skills and understanding of computing that they will require throughout their lives.  

One of the intentions of the computing curriculum is to enable children to become digitally literate: to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to fully participate in modern digital world. This means having access to a broad range of software and technologies and experiencing them in different ways and contexts.  

Throughout their primary school education, children using iCompute schemes will provide children with the opportunity to use a rich variety of digital tools and technologies and learn how to develop ideas, communicate, collaborate, create, present and evaluate.  

The three strands of Computing are: 

  • Computer Science (computational thinking, algorithms, programming) 
  • Digital Literacy – incl. Online Safety (using digital technologies to communicate, collaborate and express yourself as well as being responsible digital citizens).  
  • Informational Technology.