North Yorkshire County Caterers are our providers and their catering team makes every effort to provide carefully balanced and nutritious meals each day. Meals are cooked on site day and eaten in the dining area under the supervision of Midday Supervisory Assistants (MSA's), TA’s and Teachers.
There are four meal choices each day and pupils are able to order during morning registration. In addition to the choices, there is also a salad bar provided daily.
The cost of a nursery school dinner is £2.10 per day, £10.50 per week.
The usual cost of a school dinners is £2.50 per day, £12.50 per week. CYC have agreed to run a pilot from January 2024 to December 2024 to enable all children in years 3-6 to have a free school meal.
All KS1 children are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.
Free School Meals (FSM)/Pupil Premium- Are you missing out?
To find out if you are eligible for FSM/Pupil Premium, you can either contact the school office who will take a few details from you or you can go online. Go to and make an application. If you are eligible, you will continue to receive free school meals at the end of the pilot.
Packed lunches need to be sent in an appropriate strong, named container. Please do not give the children drinks contained in cans or glass bottles.
We know it can be very difficult to think of yummy, healthy foods to put into our pack ups. Here are some ideas we have come up with to help…
- Fruit and vegetables. This could include fresh, tinned or dried fruit.
- A type of starchy food such as bread, pasta, pitta, bagels, wraps etc. Try to include wholegrain varieties too.
- Meat, fish or other sources of non-diary protein (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, quorn, chickpeas, hummus, eggs).
- Dairy food such as cheese, yogurt or fromage frais.
Please don’t forget to include a drink of water to keep your child hydrated throughout the day.
Below is a list of foods we encourage you not to include in the packed lunch.
- Sweets
- Lollipops
- Chocolate
- Fizzy drinks
- Cakes
To care for your children with allergies we ask that nuts are avoided at all times.
What does ParentPay do?
- enables you to pay for School Meals and other items such as Breakfast Club, School Outings, Nursery Fees
- offers a highly secure payment site
- gives you a history of all the payments you have made
- allows you to create a single account login across all your children that attend a ParentPay school
- shows you all items available for payment relevant to each of your children
- emails a receipt of your payment to the email address you register
- offers you the ability to set automated email/SMS payment reminders
How does ParentPay help you?
- gives you the freedom to make payments to school whenever and wherever you like
- stops you having to write cheques or search for cash to send to school
- gives you peace of mind that your payment has been made safely and securely
- helps with budgeting; payments are immediate, there is no waiting for cheques to clear
- payments for many of the larger trips can be made by installments up to the due date
How does ParentPay help our school?
- reduces the administrative time spent on banking procedures
- keeps accurate records of payments made
- reduces paper ‘waste’
- allows for easy and quick refunds to be made back to the payment card
- improves communication between the school and parents concerning payments
- offers a more efficient payment collection process, reducing the amount of money held on school premises
How do I get started?
We will send you an activation letter containing your activation details to enable you to set up your ParentPay account.
If you have more than one child at a ParentPay school/s, you can add them to a single account, providing one login for all children.
More information
More information can be found on the ParentPay website, alternatively please contact the school office