“Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding”
William Paul Thurston
We want all children to enjoy maths and develop an enthusiasm for the subject. We aim for them to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics through varied and frequent practice, and to be able to solve increasingly complex problems over time.
At Westfield, children are supported in their learning by a range of practical and pictorial strategies which promote deep understanding of key concepts. We use a carefully planned, small-step approach to delivering content and this allows children to make connections with prior learning so their knowledge gradually builds into long-term, secure and adaptable understanding.
What Maths looks like at Westfield
- We follow the National Curriculum, which ensures consistency and progression throughout the school. This is supported by the use of White Rose Maths schemes of learning as a guide to support teachers with planning to ensure progression as children build on previous learning.
- A strong calculation policy, centred on evidence-informed Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract modelling is used throughout school to ensure a consistent approach to teaching the four operations.
- Our practice is underpinned by high quality modelling, carefully scaffolded support and the provision of tasks which promote intelligent practice and variation.
- Teachers have a strong understanding of common misconceptions and plan opportunities to discuss and explore these.
- Effective assessment practices allow teachers to have a secure understanding of pupils’ knowledge and understanding so future learning can be planned appropriately.
The Content Progression document below outlines the key learning your child will experience in maths lessons during their time at Westfield. This will be complimented by a range of opportunities for children to explore and apply maths across the other curriculum subjects.
Supporting your child at home
There are many ways you can support your children in learning maths at home including:
- Being positive about maths! Tell your child that anyone can do maths with the right support and mindset.
- Regular rehearsal of key skills. All children in Key Stage 1 have access to NumBots and in Key Stage 2 Times Table Rockstars . Five minutes a day will greatly improve their confidence and fluency. The White Rose 1 Minute a Day App is brilliant for children in EYFS – Y6.
- Look for numbers wherever you go. Discuss timetables, prices, maths in real life contexts. Talking about numbers will help put their learning into context and encourage thinking