Askham Lane
YO24 3HP
With the winter months upon us, we would like to notify you of our bad weather arrangements. These arrangements are in place for the safety of both the students and the staff.
If you are in any doubt as to whether school will be open or not we would ask you not to phone unless it is an emergency, but to work with the arrangements set out in this letter.
Firstly, whatever the weather conditions, please always assume that the school will be kept fully open and be a normal school day. We understand the complications that arise for parents if we have to close suddenly during the day, therefore, if the school opens normally we will do all that we can to ensure that it remains so for the full length of the day.
With variations in weather forecasts and contrasting road conditions across our catchment area, it will always be difficult to choose the right moment to close the school. We cannot guarantee that such a decision can be made in time to meet the expectations of all our families but we will try our best to keep you informed in as timely a way as possible.
If the school cannot open for whatever reason, the information will be listed on the City of York Council website: https://www.york.gov.uk/schoolclosures. We will also send out an email and a text message; as well as posting updates on our website and Facebook page.
Our main concern is for the safety of pupils, parents and staff. If you do not live within walking distance from school and feel it is unsafe to drive, please inform school as soon as possible.
If you have any further questions then please contact us.
Kind regards
School Office